LivePD Who?

As an avid viewer of Live PD, I must say that show in it's self, is the best way for viewers from across the country, to get an inside look of what Law Enforcement Officers (LEOs) do from their point of view. With the declining number of supporters, Law Enforcement has gradually become a profession that is the least liked in the country. But yet these men and women, wake up every morning or night, put on their uniform and selflessly serve the communities within their respected jurisdictions.

But why? Why do people around the world view Law Enforcement Officers negatively? I don't know, you'll have to ask those individuals who hate Cops...

The Live PD show allows supporters, of the thin blue line, to get an inside look of how LEO's answer certain call for service. Not only that but the twitter interaction between the Live PD viewers and the Deputy's, is unbelievable. Not only do these deputy's get on twitter and tweet back, but they answer person questions as well. Giving the viewers a chance to get to know them and why they chose their career profession.

According to Show Buzz Daily, A&E's Live PD rose from 0.04 to 0.48, and puts the show in the number 4 slot for this past Friday's show. And just within 24 hours Live PD ticked up to 0.50, which moved the show into the number 2 slot for this past Saturday's show. The show, after this past weekend, is sitting at the number 2 slot for the 18-49 Demo and sitting in the number 1 slot for the 25-54 demo.

I'm not even going to begin to pretend that I even know what these numbers mean. But I have a general idea that, we are pulling in close to 2 million and counting viewers per episode, and close to 3 million viewers per weekend!!! So there you have it... The viewers have spoken. With each Live PD episode the viewer numbers and Live PD twitter followers increase. 

So you have to think to yourself... 

What is it about being a Law Enforcement Officer and watching this show, that provides and increases these ratings everything weekend? 

Maybe it's the suspense of watching these officers answering these calls for service, LIVE! It's being able to watch these officers interact with individuals from all walks of life. It's being able to get on twitter and tweet with others who view the show, and have the officers interact with you. It's being able to understand more about why Law Enforcement Officers are important within the communities they serve. And why they do what they do...

But most importantly it's about showing support, encouraging these officers, and letting them know that your supporters have gathered in large numbers, and are praying for you every single day! Thank you for your selfless service and everything you do for your communities! 

That's it for now... thanks for reading, Stay tuned for another Blogging with Marcy.


First podcast coming soon..... :)


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